Istanbul Turkey : A City Steeped in History and Enchanting Beauty

Istanbul Turkey

Istanbul Turkey : A City Steeped in History and Enchanting Beauty

Istanbul Turkey : A City Steeped in History and Enchanting Beauty

istambul turkey

Istanbul Turkey boasts a rich history that blends Eastern and Western influences.Let’s Explore Top attractions and hidden gems of Istanbul. The rich background of  Istanbul A cosmopolitan city in between two continents.  Historically named Byzantium and later Constantinople, it had long been the centerpiece of the Byzantine and Ottoman Empires.

Aside from that, the Hagia Sophia; an architectural wonder of the world (church, mosque, museum). Topkapi Palace is where the Ottoman sultans lived in luxury and you can hear the history hum beneath your feet.

Exploring past the history, the lively Grand Bazaar is a maze of a market filled with spices, Turkish Delights, and handmade goods. Relish delicious kebabs and aromatic Turkish coffee – the energy boost before you hit the streets for some shopping or city vibes.

Istanbul Turkey is one of these cities where history and up-to-date get together, while East meets West.

History of Istanbul Turkey

The history of Istanbul Turkey goes all the way back to ancient times. The most archaeological evidence dates from 6700 to 5000 years BC, while historical documentation goes back to 660 BC. The city was founded by Greek colonists from Megara in 667 BC, on the European side of the Bosphorus, an ancient and land route from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea.

The city flourished as a Roman settlement called Byzantium, named after Byzas, a leader of the Greeks who founded the city in 660 BCE, and was renamed Constantinople in AD 330 when Emperor Constantine the Great selected it as the new capital of the Roman Empire. Where we left was under Byzantine emperors like this man, Justinian I, the city would become the largest in the Western world, the center of culture and learning. The “golden age” in which Hagia Sophia, at the time a cathedral, was built

Constantinople itself had been threatened from all sides for centuries. Its massive walls, many of which still stand, denied entry to invaders again and again. By 1453 the city had however fallen to the Ottoman Turks under Mehmed II for the initial time, signaling the finish of a era,

That also changed hands before finally the Ottomans took it over, and made it their capital of their huge empire and also re naming it Istanbul was previously called Byzantium. In the wake of the Mongolian invasion and the subsequent city ruin, Baghdad came back to life, once again a focus of commerce and Islamic learning. The blue Mosque and mosque of Suleiman the Magnificent were built. The Topkapi Palace, a Jewel-studded treasure house of Ottoman power.

These schisms are the end result of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in the 19th and 20th centuries which reflects the decline of Istanbul Ankara was made the capital of the new Republic of Turkey in 1923. It continued to be a cultural and economic hub even without being an imperial capital.

Istanbul Today Istanbul is a bustling city: where Byzantine and Ottoman past meet a cosmopolitan present. Nowadays historic treasures share space with lively markets and hip galleries. It remains a city where continents meet and empires rise and fall, and today attracts visitors from across the world.

Why famous Istanbul Turkey ?

Istanbul Turkey is famous due to multiple reasons; Istanbul is famous due to a blend of rich history, wonderful landmarks and historic culture.

Istanbul Turkey , for starters, is a city stitched from the looms of empires. For over a thousand years it was the capital of the Byzantine Empire and before that it even had a place as the capital of the Roman Empire as Constantinople. The Hagia Sophia, an architectural wonder that was first an Orthodox church, then a mosque, and now a museum, is a representation of this legacy. The Ottomans conquered it in 1453, ushering a new era. Their lavish palaces such as Topkapi Palace and mosques such as the Blue Mosque are still the focal point of the city.

Second, it is found in instanbul, which is home to a variety of architectural marvels. With a grand dome and lavish decoration of mosaics, Hagia Sophia was the peak of Byzantine beauty. Topkapi Palace is a sprawling ex – imperial enclave showcasing the life of Ottomans in their heyday. In addition to these universally known architecture landmarks, many mosques, churches, and historical structures run within the town, all of which can tell countless previous memories.

Istanbul Turkey is also settled in cultures from one of the oldest cities and has a vibrant East-meets-West quality that is a mystery to all who explore it; The air swirled with intensity of scents as we entered The Grand Bazaar – a maze of shopping hubs selling spices, Turkish delights, leather and handcrafted glitters. Scents of fresh Turkish coffee and juicy kebabs waft to tempt visitors to partake in local flavors A city of contrasts, there are modern art galleries and trendy cafes at every turn, sandwiched between traditional bazaars and produce vendors on the side of the road, making the atmosphere one to remember!

Essentially, this is the reputation of Istanbul: that it pulls the visitor through time, and just as it starts to set itself in the splendour of the past, it continues buzzing with the energy of a modern town.

 most visiting place of Istanbul

Hagia Sophia

Blue Mosque – Sultan Ahmed Mosque

Topkapi Palace

Grand Bazaar

Basilica Cistern

Galata Tower

Dolmabahçe Palace

Süleymaniye Mosque

Istanbul Archaeology Museums

Chora Church (Kariye Museum)

Egyptian Bazaar (Spice Bazaar)

Bosphorus Cruise

Taksim Square

Maiden’s Tower (Kız Kulesi)

Istanbul Modern

Ä°stiklal Avenue

Beylerbeyi Palace


Pierre Loti Hill

Istanbul Aquarium

Best things to do in Istanbul Turkey

Istanbul Turkey, the gateway of the East! Combining the tastes of both history and culture in a rich culture, social life, and of course cuisine. Here is a sneak peek on some of the best things you can do, when you visit this beautiful city :

Immerse Yourself in History:

Hagia Sophia: A masterpiece which converted from Crusader church to Mosque to Museum This awe-inspiring feat of human endeavor with its soaring dome, sumptuous mosaics will take your breath away.

Topkapi Palace: Explore the luxurious life of the Ottoman sultans in this extensive palace complex. Discover the imperial chambers and take in the Ottoman tilework which decorates much of the interior of the palace, from the treasury and harem, to the phenomenal exterior of the property.

Basilica Cistern: Step into the underground palace of the Basilica Cistern, a water cistern commissioned by Emperor Theodosius II built by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I. There is an eerie feel to the place with its flickering lights and medusa-headed columns.

Dolmabahçe Palace: Opulent 19th-century palace w/double staircase where Atatürk lived & ruled in 1930s

Explore Vibrant Culture:

Grand Bazaar: Explore the intriguing maze of more than 4,000 shops dealing just about anything at Grand Bazaar. You can haggle for Turkish rugs, handcrafted souvenirs and spices for a genuine Turkish shopping experience.

Spice Bazaar: It is located in the middle of the old markets, and that is your chance to let your senses experience the colorful and aromatic world of the Spice Bazaar. All of which makes its way into vases of exotic spices, sweet Turkish delight and aromatic teas

Bosphorus Dinner Cruise: Enjoy an evening cruise along the strait separating Europe and Asia. From here, admire the beautiful palaces, mosques, and Ottoman-era mansions that populate the coastline.

Istiklal Caddesi: Walk down the bustling pedestrian street Istanbul walking street, which is not called the street in Istanbul. Breathe in the lively atmosphere and take the time to enjoy the people watching.

Turkish Cuisine: Offers a great taste of Turkish flavors. Savour succulent kebabs, creamy hummus, flaky borek pastries and melt-in-your-mouth baklava. Do not hesitate to sip a strong cup of Turkish coffee either.

Turkish Hammam: Relish the ritual of the Turkish hammam You can experience steam bath, message, scrub and come out supple, fresh and rejuvenated.

Beyond the Tourist Trail:

Belgrade Forest: Take a break from the hustle and bustle of city life and breathe in the greenery at Belgrade Forest. Here you can hike the trails, ride your bike, have a picnic lunch, or simply enjoy the beautiful tranquillity of nature.

For the Princes Islands (Adalar): Catch a ferry to the glorious Adalar Islands in the Sea of Marmara. Ride around or take a tour on car-free islands such as Büyükada and Heybeliada whose imperial mansions, scenery, and tranquility speak volumes.

And thats just a sliver of what Istanbul has to offer. This city offer a vast history, colorful culture and really good food and will take you back with memories that you will hold on to forever.

Best Time To Visit Istanbul Turkey

But whether it is, in fact, the best time to visit Istanbul Turkey really depends on what you value most from your journey to this amazing city.

Spring (April-May) and fall (September-October) enjoy mild temperatures, in the low 70s F (about 21°C) on average, and lighter crowds. You also got higher odds for it to not rain as much as in winter.

Quietest time with possible fewer crowds and lower prices: Winter (Nov-Feb). Flights as well as hotel prices may also be more affordable over this period. Rainfall is possible in some places, and snowfall, too, in some others.

Flower fanatics should visit in April for a tulip-filled Istanbul. The city bursts to life with riotous tulips, especially in Emirgan Park. Istanbul is an enchanting city that is a joy to visit all year long, so opt for the season that matches your predilections!

Personal Review about Istanbul Turkey

Istanbul Turkey ! Where do I even begin? This city hit all of my senses side by side and left me reeling and wanting more. It whispers from every ancient corner of the city, yet sings as just as modern – this is Istanbul, the city that straddles two continents.

I began my journey at the magnificent Hagia Sophia The sun penetrated the high dome above as I entered and its first rays, by the same cunning of its light, fell everywhere upon the various mosaics. It was hard to fathom that a building so magnificent had seen so much of the rise and fall of empires.

Then it was time to plunge into the world of fabulous opulence of the Topkapi Palace. The size of the place was simply stunning, and I stood gobsmacked for a good ten minutes taking in the elaborate tilework that marked every inch of the complex. Looking into the imperial chambers, I could see myself Indian, but Ottoman sultans had walked in these halls once upon a time….

Istanbul Turkey isn’t only a city of grandeur monuments. The Grand Bazaar was all crazy in a good way, your smell, vision and hearing were heavily overloaded. The labyrinthine alleyways were brimming with fragrant spices, mounds of Turkish delight and exotic hand-crafted treasures. Air reverberating with vendors calling out, argument and revelry!

Then, of course, there was the food – oh my, the food! My mind was screwed with from every possible angle. Whether it was succulent kebabs, creamy hummus or fluffy borek pastries, every bite delivered an explosion of flavor. And not to mention the turkish coffee —. Intense, thick and completely unlike anything I had ever tasted.

I went on a Bosphorus cruise one afternoon. The sight of magnificent palaces and Ottoman-era mansions, which dotted the banks of on the waterway separating Europe and Asia, whizzed by as the boat cruised. This felt like the catbird seat of the world – a truly bizarre experience, standing at the crossroads of continents.

I have my own sacred sites that lie beyond the beat trail that tourists flock to. Belgrade Forest a few hours away from the city felt like a Mexican massage after a hangover. A ferry trip to Büyükada, one of the Prince Islands, provided a picturesque respite with its traffic-free lanes, grand old houses, and relaxed vibe.

Of course, you cannot visit Istanbul without getting a classic Turkish hammam treatment. I left there, happy, rejuvenated as the bathroom scrub, scrub and massage. It was the best way to relax after a day of ride.

Istanbul Turkey was a city that consistently exceeded expectations. In a blink of an eye, I’d be arguing for a prayer rug in the bazaar and standing under the dome of the Hagia Sophia. A place where jaw-dropping ancient history is intertwined with fast-paced city life giving it an unrivaled buzz that contains an echo of megacity life.

It was bittersweet saying goodbye to Istanbul. When I left for my flight back home, however, I took a piece of this mystifying city with me — a chest full of memories, a newfound respect for this culture and a desire to come back some day just to travel deeper this time and to uncover its secrets.

Visitor review of Istanbul Turkey

Istanbul Turkey blew me away! You feel like you are walking back in time – just with a real big city energy.

 Hagia Sophia stole the limelight, It left me mute seeing the extent and precision of it. Not too far behind was Topkapi Palace which took me back to the time of the Ottomans with its lavish chambers and intricate tilework.

The scene is also far from short of museums – in a way that could never be said about Istanbul. The Grand Bazaar was a delight for the senses in the truest sense of the word. Trying to haggle for treasures amidst the cerulean and emerald of the spices and mountains of Turkish delight, was to never be forgotten.

Now, about food: Turkish food is a delight! Every morsel of kebab, hummus, or borek had flavor burst. Whatever you do, don’t miss the thick and powerful Turkish coffee – it’s out of this world!

To take a bosphorus cruise was a must. Sliding around in a gliding state between Europe and Asia and appreciating the beautiful palaces lining the shore, had an air of dream-like.

There were also other treasures beyond what was seen in the tourist trail. Belgrade Forest was a peaceful retreat, and Büyükada Island won me over with its lanes void of cars, the view of historical mansions laid out one after another and the relaxed atmosphere.

And no Turkish delight is complete without an indulgent Turkish hammam experience. After a day on the town, I felt like a new person – the steam bath/massage/scrub trifecta left me feeling 100 percent fresh and renewed.

Istanbul Turkey is a city of opposites, where ancient meets modern. It never failed to surprise me, from haggling in the bazaar to gazing in awe at The Hagia Sophia. I came back with stories I will tell for the rest of my life, an admiration for those cultures, and the strongest urge to head back and discover more I have ever felt.

Tips For Istanbul TurkeyVisitor

Istanbul Turkey Istanbul, the meeting place of East in addition to West features story, culture besides delicacies. Eight Tips for an Unforgettable and Enjoyable Trip.

Plan out your research: Istanbul is an extensive city and full of history. For those of you who are interested: I know it helps to know a little about even the places you want to visit. Buy a guidebook or check online. There are also a lot of really good travel blogs and some articles by people who have been to Istanbul.

Getting around Transport is Turkey is varied and efficient, and there are various options to get around in Istanbul itself (where most of the action is).Ignore the hundreds of cheap taxis and buy an Istanbulkart, a travel card that can be used on public ferries, trams, buses, the metro and funiculars. It can be a less expensive to travel with in the city.

A couple of words are easy: Although spoken in many tourist areas, a little Turkish is enough. Know the simple words such as Merhaba (Hello), Teşekkür ederim (Thank you), and Lütfen (Please) and the locals will appreciate this.

Leaf Haggling is normal: At the Grand Bazaar, and with the marketplaces, hope to haggle more than prices. This is all part of the journey! Before you go read up a bit on rates so you know how much you should be spending.

Wear conservative clothes: In the case of visiting mosques or any other religious place, wear decent clothes. This requires that both men and women cover their shoulders and knees. Headscarves are also available for visitors at some mosques

Beware from scams: Like most of the touristy places, there are small scams in Istanbul. Beware of Greedy Unknown People on the Streets If someone approaches you on the street trying to sell something or helping you for money

Take It Easy!! When you are in ISTANBUL you should approach the city like this!! Relax by exploring the markets on foot, absorbing the vibrant culture, sounds, and sights.

The state currency is the Turkish Lira (TRY). There are lots of ATMs but it can definitely be handy arriving with some Turkish Lira on hand.

You do not have to tip but your tip is always welcome. You should leave a small tip of around 10% of the bill at any restaurants where you received good service.

Istanbul Turkey is generally safe but always use your common sense, it is a major city after all! Watch your back and your stuff.

Istanbul Turkey is a great place to visit, just make sure to plan ahead and keep these things in mind.

Fact For Istanbul Turkey Visitor

Istanbul Turkey- It is set on two worlds, as it lays literally in between Europe and Asia, separated by the Bosphorus Strait.

Courtesy of Wikimedia/Mehmett (modified)Busiest Ancient Subway: A view of historic underground transport with Istanbul home to the world’s second oldest subway system, the Subway Car (1875).

ISTANBUL, Turkey Called the “cats in paradise” one thing rare in the Muslim world: Istanbul is where cats are kings, even though dogs can also be seen.

Grand Bazaar: While the Spice Bazaar is widely known, the title of the world’s oldest covered market remains with the Grand Bazaar, a maze discovered (better slow down!) back in the 15th century.

Coffee & FortuneTelling: Turkish Coffee is a cultural ritual. A cup of strong, thick coffee is served with Turkish delight in one mouthful, in second one is fortune telling using coffee shot in cup leftover grounds.

Hagia Sophia:  one moment a UNESCO World Heritage Site as a church, then the next moment as a Mosque, to its current existence as a museum telling the tanglest web of history [#mosaicAlchemy]

Imperial Rooms & Ottoman Splendour: Explore the chambers, treasury, harem, and remarkable tilework at the Topkapi Palace.

The Mystery of Basilica Cistern: Step into a subterranean world at Basilica Cistern, a Byzantine-era water reservoir with a glowing, lantern-lit ambiance and Medusa-topped columns.

Dolmabahçe Palace: East meets West at the 19th-century palace on the Bosphorus waterfront, where European architectural styles combine with traditional Ottoman grandeur to striking effect.

Bosphorus Cruise (for an Extensive View): Enjoy one of the most beautiful panoramic views on this boat ride along the strait, where you have the views of the Ottoman-era mansions, palaces, and mosques that fill the skyline of both Europe and Asia.


Questions:  Where is Istanbul?

Answers: Istanbul is one of these cities where history and up-to-date get together, while East meets West. Istanbul is a transcontinental city in Turkiye.

Questions: What is the capital of Turkey?

Answers: Istanbul was the capital for centuries under various empires But Ankara is the capital of Turkey,

Questions:  What are some famous landmarks in Istanbul?

Answers: Hagia Sophia, Blue Mosque – Sultan Ahmed Mosque, Topkapi Palace, Grand Bazaar, Basilica Cistern,

Galata Tower, Dolmabahçe Palace, Süleymaniye Mosque.

Questions:  Is Istanbul safe for tourists?

Answers:ÂNormally Istanbul is very safe for tourists. But in any case it’s wise to be aware of your surroundings and take precautions.

Questions:  What language is spoken in Istanbul?

Answers:ÂTurkish is the primary language of Turkiye, But English is spoken in tourist areas.

Questions:  What is the best time to visit Istanbul?

Answers:ÂSpring (April-May) and autumn (September-October) are pleasant weather and good times to visit.

Questions:  What is the currency in Istanbul?

Answers:ÂTurkish Lira.

Questions:  What is traditional Turkish food?

Answers:ÂTurkish cuisine is delicious and varied, with plag kebabs, meze (small plates), dolma (stuffed vegetables) and baklava.

Questions:  How to get around Istanbul?

Answers:ÂIstanbul has a well-developed public transport system including trams, ferries, buses, metro, etc.

Questions:  What are some things to do in Istanbul besides sightseeing?

Answers:ÂGet a traditional Turkish bath (hamam) or a cruise along the Bosphorus, check out the nightlife or try some of the best shopping you can get.

Questions:  What is the best way to experience Istanbul’s culture?

Answers:ÂExplore historical neighborhoods, wander local markets, and taste the traditional Turkish coffee or tea at a Tchia

Questions:  Is Istanbul expensive to visit?

Answers:  ÂNo it’s not so much expensive to visit like European cities. Variable, but usually cheaper than other many cities in Europe Accommodation can be very cheap or rather pricey and so can food.

Questions:  Do I need a visa to visit Istanbul?

Answers:   Depends on your nationality.

Questions:  What are some interesting facts about Istanbul?

Answers:  ÂConstantinople is the nickname of Istanbul.
It served as the capital of the Ottoman Empire for nearly 400 years.
The city has a mix of Byzantine, Ottoman and modern influences.

Questions:  What are some day trips from Istanbul?

Answers:ÂVisit the Hagia Sophia, explore ancient ruins in Ephesus, and take a boat tour of the charming coastal town.

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